The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, M.D.

This is the second book by Norman Doidge, M.D. about neuroplasticity and healing. Doidge provides information, research, interviews and firsthand accounts of the ways that different people have worked with neuroplasticity. The results have been:

  • radical relief from pain
  • slowing the effects of Parkinson’s disease on movement and cognition
  • healing scar tissue and inflammation
  • recovery from traumatic brain injury, stroke and other neural disorders
  • regaining vision

Each of the practices/treatments invokes a different approach and lens. Some require intense focus and long-term commitment of body and willpower. Some of the practices/treatments are dependent on technology that influence the body at a cellular level. 

For example, in healing pain, the process involves unlearning the habit of pain. Which seems odd, how do we “learn” pain? How does pain become a habit? The first chapter of the book explains and explores this expertly as it follows Dr. Michael Moskowitz, who founded a clinic based on his personal experience and extensive research into chronic pain.

In getting remission from Parkinson’s symptoms, there is a similar level of determination shown by John Pepper and his commitment to physical fitness through fast walking. 

In healing scar tissue and inflammation, we are introduced to Dr. Fred Kahn who has used low-intensity laser and infrared light to encourage cellular regeneration. 

In healing multiple injuries to the body and brain, we are introduced to Moshe Feldenkrais. He explored and taught how sensory input at the slowest pace, with the invitation of exquisite attention, dramatically reduced spasticity for people with cerebral palsy, aids in recovery from stroke, as well as many other forms of damage to the brain/body.

Doidge writes exceedingly well. It was a breeze to read this book. The storytelling and the fact-telling are equally easy to digest.

This book is fascinating and full. It provides accounts of real people finding pathways to vitality and fuller enjoyment in life. In addition the book gives you the complementary research that supports the treatments and practices they have followed. 

I would like to be part of your healing journey. To find out more about how we can work together, schedule a free consult with me.

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