email: eve@source-embodiment.com

phone: 614-256-0048

Providing informed & attuned bodywork that supports integration, clarity and renewal.

As a bodywork therapist who has been supporting people for 16 years, I specialize in holding space for the changes your body is ready to make so that health expresses itself easily and freely.

I have had a long-time interest in bodywork, presence & supportive alternative therapies. I started this path as a massage therapist and discovered that my deeper interest was in holding space for the unfolding of our nervous systems from held, tight, and revved-up to soft, open, and responsive. 

My own healing is a result of focusing on the body. The practice of yoga led me to an embodiment that felt so foreign I had no point of reference for it. From there I found somatic-based therapists that allowed me to release trauma and holding patterns by paying attention to the sensations my body.

These were wild, fascinating experiences and the changes in my life were dramatic. I went from being afraid to pick up my 9-year-old son for fear of injury to dancing in ensemble improvisational works based on contact improvisation (read: picking up adults easily without pain).

This was only one of the more dramatic shifts for me. Becoming whole, knowing myself as human, being free of the flashbacks and energy-drains of held trauma—all benefits of a somatically-oriented approach to healing.

I trained in Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing and Transforming Touch as I followed the rabbit trail of nervous system regulation.

Through Craniosacral Therapy, I found the skills to listen to the rhythms of the body and guide them to unwinding and release for ease and flow. 

Through Somatic Experiencing, I have the tools of dialoguing with the body through image, sensation and movement, bringing resolution to issues in a creative and self-generative way. 

Through Transforming Touch, I make contact through deep presence with the nervous system and invite it to unfold into wholeness. 

Source Embodiment was launched in 2020 as a way to expand my reach beyond Craniosacral Therapy, to encompass my desire to bring together all of my experience under one name. I consider my business to be integrative and wide reaching. In addition to individual sessions online and in-person, I offer classes and workshops focusing on embodiment and presence.

I love seeing the beautiful changes that happen for my clients. Because everyone is different, I find this work creatively fulfilling. I am grateful for the opportunity to support folks as they bravely walk this path of self-care, awareness and change.


Craniosacral Therapy

Levels I & II, SER I, Upledger

The Inner Physician (SERTIP)

Touching the Brain (CSTTTB)

Somatic experiencing

All levels completed with required consultations to receive SEP designation.

Trauma in the Public Eye

Transforming Touch

All three modules


Craniosacral Therapy & Breastfeeding, Alison Hazelbaker

Clinical Neuroplasticity for Babies, Maxine Haller

Spirit of Healing Free Infant Craniosacral Therapy Clinic, 2014–2017

Check out my blog posts to find out more about how I think about my practice